Last weekend our Field Day 2016 took place on the Big Bear Ranch.
Category: Ranch News
Spring arrived (early this year)!
We send you greetings from Big Bear Ranch and with it the latest news.
We have the earliest spring in 21 years: The bluebirds, cranes, owls, and swallows are back and the grass starts already growing!
My daughter Inga spend 5 weeks on the ranch and put a broody hen on some eggs.
3 hatched and are growing like crazy.
Three sows farrowed like planned and have nice litters of 12, 9 and 15 piglets while the “feeder pigs” are working hard to prepare the “pasture” for reseeding with a mixture of oats, rye, sunflowers, turnips, clover, alfalfa and different grasses. Beside all the good stuff that they dig up they also get certified GMO free hog grower every day.
And last but not least: We also saw our first bear this year!
Enjoy Spring!